
Insure the risks of the company’s export transactions with a payment term exceeding two years!

The services for insuring export transactions with a payment term exceeding two years are the supplier’s credit insurance and the buyer’s credit insurance.

These services are designed for exporters who sell capital goods or durable goods (such as machinery, equipment, plant equipment) or provide large-scale services to a foreign buyer (such as significant IT-development), also, to financers participating in such transactions.

The exporters conclude the supplier’s credit insurance by themselves. This service can be used as a guarantee when financing an export contract, inter alia if the export transaction is being financed with an export loan issued by Estonian Business and Innovation Agency.

Buyer’s credit insurance is designed for a financer, who finances the transaction of an Estonian exporter by granting a loan to a foreign buyer. The financer using this service shall pay the exporter for the goods or services; the buyer, however, shall pay the financer under a credit contract. A credit contract is understood as a loan or another agreement, also a letter of credit, which commits the buyer to make payments to the financer within a payment term of at least two years.

Both, for the supplier’s credit as well as buyer’s credit, the insurance covers the risk that the foreign buyer is failing or becomes insolvent.

The supplier’s and buyer’s credit insurance is a state export guarantee within the meaning of the State Export Guarantee Act. The terms and conditions of insurance and the terms and conditions of an export transaction are based on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) agreement on the provision of state export guarantees.


  • You can make large-scale export transactions.
  • Where necessary, you may involve financing for the export transaction.

  • You will receive an expert opinion about the buyer’s solvency.

  • If necessary, we can help you with debt collection from the buyer and/or the restructuring of the transaction.

  • In the event of an insured event, in the case of supplier credit, the indemnity shall be paid to your company as the exporter or financier identified as the beneficiary in the insurance contract, and in the case of buyer credit, to the financier of the transaction.

For who?

established company
exporting company

Service is suitable if

  • you sell machinery, equipment, IT software development, or other service that is capital intensive,
  • you wish to obtain a competitive advantage by offering a long payment term to the buyer,

  • you plan to increase your export volume.

Important conditions

  • The payment term given to the Buyer (the expiry date of the payment schedule) must not exceed the useful life of the goods sold. The longest possible payment term is 15 years.

  • Insurance cover is up to 95% of the value of export credit.

  • Insurance also covers the interest under an export or credit contract, calculated for up to 120 days.

  • The buyer’s payment obligation is insured within up to 85% of the value of export contract (the buyer must make a prepayment within at least 15%). The insurance premium may be included in the value of the export contract.

  • The payment schedule of an export or credit contract, under which the buyer makes the payments, must provide for the payment of the principal amount in equal instalments, at least two principal and interest payments a year and the payment of the first instalment at the latest within six months after delivery of the goods to the buyer or complete provision of the service.

  • We pay the damages which your company incurs when the buyer is unable to make the scheduled payments.

Insurance process

To enter into a contract, fill in the insurance contract application form and send it to the e-mail address krediidikindlustus@kredex.ee. If you have any questions, please contact our client manager.

We will review your application, assess your portfolio of buyers and, if possible, make you an offer for entering into an insurance contract.

For our part, we will make sure that we have understood your insurance needs correctly before making an offer. We will explain to you how credit insurance works.

When preparing the offer, we take into consideration information concerning the area of activity of your company, the number of markets and buyers, the amount of the credit limits being applied for, the estimated volume of insured turnover, previous loss events and other circumstances relevant to the conclusion of the insurance contract.

When submitting an offer, we will explain the terms and conditions of the insurance policy you are being offered and the costs involved in entering into the insurance contract.

Study the offer carefully and make sure it suits your needs. Feel free to ask any questions you may have when reviewing the offer.

Once we have agreed on the terms and conditions of the export contract (and upon need also the financing contract), we will sign the insurance contract. After that pay the insurance premium and the insurance cover will enter into force.

When using the KredEx export loan, it is possible to finance the payment of the insurance premium with an export loan.

Inform us if problems emerge in the performance of the export contract (such as the delivery of goods or services being delayed).

If your buyer delays the scheduled payments, inform us as soon as possible thereof (at the latest by the term specified in the insurance contract). To do this, send a notification of the payment default to the e-mail address kahjud@kredex.ee.

You can apply for an insurance indemnity after an insured event, i.e., after the buyer has become insolvent or has defaulted on payments for a long period (at least 90 days). To do so, send an insurance indemnity application, together with documents evidencing the damage, to the e-mail address kahjud@kredex.ee.

We will make the decision on payment of the insurance indemnity within one month after receiving the application and required accompanying documents.

Before signing the contract, check the terms and conditions of AS KredEx Krediidikindlustus and, if you have any further questions, contact our specialists.