Sales turnover insurance

All or most of the policyholder’s sales transactions with buyers in Estonia and abroad are insured. The service is suitable for a policyholder who is looking to maximise the benefits of credit insurance by insuring all or most of the sales turnover associated with buyers.

Selective risk insurance

Multiple sales transactions by the policyholder with multiple buyers are covered, but not the majority of them. Selective risk insurance is suitable, for example, if the policyholder is starting cooperation with buyers located in a foreign country, insuring the payment risks arising from sales transactions with all of these buyers during the insurance period.

Single risk insurance (based on sales turnover)

The policyholder’s sales transactions with only one buyer are covered. The service is suitable for a policyholder who concludes several sales transactions with a buyer in the same country during the period of insurance and who is able to estimate the approximate amount of sales turnover related to the buyer when taking out the insurance policy.

Single risk insurance (based on limit)

Only the buyer’s default risk arising from one or a few individual sales transactions with a single buyer is insured. A single risk insurance contract is suitable, for example, if the policyholder is starting cooperation with a buyer and cannot predict the extent of the cooperation.

Insurance for long-term export transactions

Large-scale projects are covered. The payment terms resulting from the transaction are longer than two years. The buyer makes payments on the basis of a schedule. In most cases, a financier is involved in the transaction as the third party, who finances the production of the sale item and/or provides the buyer with a long payment deadline.