AS KredEx Krediidikindlustus is an insurance company set up jointly by the KredEx Foundation and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in 2009, which aims to help Estonian companies hedge credit risks related to both exports and domestic sales. Our mission is to increase the competitiveness and export potential of Estonian companies by providing credit risk mitigation services.
We help Estonian companies to:
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EISi ja KredEx Krediidikindlustuse teenuste infopäev Paides (in Estonian)
23. septembril 2024 kell 13.00–15.30 toimub Paides (Keskväljak [...]
Eksportija: uuele turule minnes ole valmis, et ka saja-aastane välispartner võib pankrotti minna (in Estonian)
Eesti majandus on juba pikaajalises languses ning ka meie [...]
Podcast: Kuidas ennetada riske uutele turgudele laienemisel (in Estonian)
19. juunil oli Kuku raadio eetris „Ettevõtlusminutid“, kus räägiti [...]