Podcast: Are you going to risk it or insure it? (in Estonian)
In the podcast organized by The Union of Estonian Insurance Companies, we talk about why it is financially beneficial to use insurance. The studio host is Martin Hanson and [...]
In the podcast organized by The Union of Estonian Insurance Companies, we talk about why it is financially beneficial to use insurance. The studio host is Martin Hanson and [...]
Comparing the consequences of the pandemic, one can note that compared to the previous crisis, the safety margin of Estonian enterprises has become larger, and the recovery is faster. On [...]
Möödunud aastal kasvas KredEx Krediidikindlustuse poolt kindlustatud Eesti ettevõtete käive kümnendiku võrra 716 miljoni euroni ja eksporditehingud moodustasid sellest 451 miljonit eurot (kasv +16%). Koroonapandeemia valguses oluliselt ebakindlamaks muutunud majandussituatsioonis [...]
The Supervisory Board of AS KredEx Krediidikindlustus has appointed Signe Rähesoo, who has long-term experience in the financial sector, as the Chairman of the Management Board of the company; she [...]
Lainet läbistavad laevad. Vähem kui kahe aastakümnega on AS Baltic Workboats suutnud tõusta maailmas tuntud ja tunnustatud ettevõtteks ning seda vaatamata laevaehitussektoris valitsevale ülitihedale konkurentsile. Ühtlasi on tegu Saaremaa [...]